Chia Blog
Chia wallet - how and where to store XCH?
If you have been part of the crypto world for some time, you have undoubtedly come across the statement: "not your keys, not your crypto." And if you are just entering this world and haven't heard this expression yet, I'll gladly explain it to you. Let's understand this with an example of a Chia wallet.
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Kopalnie Krypto Team - Tuesday 27 February 2024
Chinese New Year with the Chia Network Blockchain: Discoveries and Innovations
![Financial Times Events, Industry Scandals, and the Launch of CAD Trust [PRESS REVIEW]](magazyn/image/blog//financial-times-events-industry-scandals-and-the-launch-of-cad-trust-press-review.png)
Kopalnie Krypto Team - Tuesday 16 January 2024
Financial Times Events, Industry Scandals, and the Launch of CAD Trust [PRESS REVIEW]

Kopalnie Krypto Team - Friday 12 January 2024
Mining profitability of Chia illustrated with our miner example

Kopalnie Krypto Team - Friday 1 December 2023
SpaceMesh - a new oroject in the world of Proof of Space and Time

Kopalnie Krypto Team - Friday 24 November 2023
Harvey miners - the place where PoST and PoW live in harmony

Kopalnie Krypto Team - Monday 16 October 2023
Chia client update - significant improvements in version 2.1.0!